WonderGrass Keep it Green

Year after year, our commitment to sustainability continues. In partnership with Waste Free Earth, we proudly diverted over 16,280 pounds of waste away from landfills, an increase of over 3,360 pounds from 2019 alone. WOW! Pat yourselves on the back, as this couldn’t be done without the help of our greater community.

In totality, the festival’s waste diversion program—ensuring recyclable, compostable and wood materials were steered away from landfills—saved enough CO2 emissions to equate to taking 44.7 cars off the road for a month.

Additionally, we were able to donate over 600 pounds of food to a Steamboat-local food bank, LiftUp.

Perhaps our proudest accomplishment of all during the 2020 season—for the first time ever, we were completely single-use plastic free for our tastings! By switching to reusable tasting cups and moving away from single-use compostable tasting cups, we kept nearly 21,000 single-use compostable tasting cups from being produced. And thanks to our water refill stations, we saved roughly 30,296 single-use water bottles from being produced, too!

Every year we strive to keep our environmental impact to a minimum and look forward to continuing to hone our operation for future events. We know it’s not perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction! We’re continuing to evolve.

As they say, it takes a village.

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